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Your Health Fact Sheet

Herbs Q - Z


The perennial plant grows up to two feet and is found world wide. Its potent parts are the red or purple flowers.
Red clover has been used medicinally in many parts of the world. Herbalist have used it to treat skin sores and eye irritations, as a cure for asthma and as a diuretic.

It is apparently anti-spasmodic and has helped patients with whooping cough. It is also prescribed for skin ailments and indigestion.

It is an anti-inflammatory agent and also an expectorant which helps remove excess mucus from the lungs. In addition, the herb appears to act like the female hormone oestrogen. It is believed that it might help women with menopausal symptoms.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough
  • indigestion
  • menopausal symptoms.

Use internally and externally for:

  • skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis.


Overdoses of red clover may cause stomach aches or diarrhoea. Do not use more than is prescribed to you.
Do not use red clover if you are pregnant. Avoid the herb if you have cancer or a history of heart disease. If you are taking birth-control pills, consult your doctor before using red clover.


Red clover is available in dried bulk and tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures

Red Clover


The berry of this plant is often used in gourmet desserts, but herbalists obtain more satisfaction from the leaves. These are effective in treating diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness in pregnancy.

It is also thought to help prevent miscarriages and help you during labour by making the pain less and reducing the chance of haemorrhaging.

Do not self-diagnose, use only under the supervision of your Health Care Professional.

How It May Benefit You...

  • morning sickness
  • threatened miscarriage
  • problems arising during Labor
  • diarrhoea
  • mouth ulcers
  • bleeding gums


Red raspberry may cause stomach upset or diarrhoea if you exceed the recommended dose.


Red raspberry is available as dried leaves or berries, and as a tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Red Rasberry


Rose hips contain vitamin C and flavonoids, which increase the body's utilisation of the vitamin. Therefore this herb is beneficial for colds and flu. The nutrients however, are lost when the herb is dried.

Prepacked rose hip teas, jams, extracts, purees, and soups don’t contain very high amounts of anything beneficial to your system.

How It May Benefit You...

  • colds and flu. (Take internally)


High doses of vitamin C may cause diarrhoea and may slightly strain the kidneys.


Rose hips are available as dried bulk and in tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Rosemary has many uses in addition to being used as a spice. Herbalists believe that it may stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems and serve as an antidepressant. Rosemary leaves also relax the digestive tract. In addition they are used to treat muscle pain.

Rosemary is antibacterial and antifungal and herbalists recommend that the leaves be used externally for skin infections.
Rosemary is also prescribed as a gargle for bad breath.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • indigestion
  • upper-respiratory infections
  • tension
  • muscle pain
  • sprains
  • rheumatism
  • neuralgia.

Apply externally for:

  • skin infections.
  • tension - always avoid the eye area.
  • rosemary leaves in bath can be relaxing
  • diluted rosemary oil has been thought to stimulate hair growth, however this has not been scientifically proven.


Rosemary oil for internal use may cause mild stomach, kidney, and intestinal irritation, even in small doses.
Rosemary oil, taken internally in large amounts, can be poisonous. Always keep to the prescribed dosage.
Never consume fresh rosemary leaves in excess.
Never consume the rosemary which is specifically for external use.
Pregnant women should avoid rosemary.


Rosemary is available as dried bulk, in tincture, and as two types of oil, one for internal use and the other for external application.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Sage has a many uses both culinary and medicinal. It contains an oil that reduces perspiration, it relieves sore throats and gums, cleanse wounds and aid digestion.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • indigestion,
  • gas,
  • nausea,
  • and to stem lactation or reduce the night sweats of menopause.

Use as a mouthwash or gargle for:

  • mouth and throat infections,
  • inflammations, and ulcers, including canker sores,
  • bleeding gums,
  • sore throats,
  • and tonsillitis.

Apply externally for:

  • bacterial infections in wounds; insect bites.


Drinking the tea may inflame the lips and mouth lining.
Sage contains the toxic chemical which can lead to convulsions if taken in high doses.
However, the heat of cooking or preparing an infusion reduces toxicity.
Sage oil should not be consumed.
Sage is best avoided by persons with epilepsy or who are pregnant.


Available as tinctures, prepared tea, or dried or fresh leaves.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This herb is only available for external use as it contains a substance which the authorities have found to be toxic. Tests in the 1960s revealed that the main agent in the oil, safrole, is carcinogenic in rats and mice. Until the ban, the herb was widely used for a variety of ailments, including colic and rheumatism.

The essential oil of the root bark has a mild antiseptic property and is useful for wounds.

How It May Benefit You...

The only approved applications are external.

  • rheumatism.
  • skin irritations such as acne and boils.


Do not take internally.


Sassafras is available as an essential oil and tincture and as fresh or dried root bark, although internal use is prohibited.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



An extract made from the berries of this shrub is used to treat and strengthen the male reproductive system. It is particularly beneficial for enlargement of the prostate gland. This common disorder is indicated by difficulties with urination and can lead to bladder infections and kidney problems. The condition is thought to be caused by an accumulation of a testosterone derivative called Dihydrotestosterone, which this herb apparently blocks the production of.

The herb is also used as an expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic, sedative, and digestive aid.

How It May Benefit You...

  • benign enlargement of the prostate gland
  • nasal congestion
  • asthma and bronchitis
  • coughs due to colds
  • sore throats
  • sinus ailments.


Always continue your medical treatment. You should always be examined and diagnosed by a conventional doctor as the symptoms of prostate enlargement are similar to prostate cancer.


Available as fresh or dried berries and in powder or capsule form.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Saw Palmetto


This herb aids sleep and is reputed to help calm nervousness. The herb is bitter and is a stimulant.

How It May Benefit You...

  • nervous tension, headaches and muscle aches caused by tension,
  • insomnia
  • convulsions
  • drug or alcohol withdrawal.
  • symptoms of premenstrual syndrome aggravated or caused by stress.
  • rheumatism


May cause stomach upset or diarrhoea.
Skullcap may cause drowsiness. Do not operate a car or heavy machinery after taking it.
Large amounts of the tincture may cause confusion, giddiness, twitching, and possibly, convulsions.
Use skullcap in medicinal amounts only under professional supervision.


Available as prepared tea, tinctures, dried leaves, capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Senna is a powerful and well known laxative that should not be taken lightly. Doses should always be kept to the prescribed amounts on the packaging.

How It May Benefit You...

  • constipation


Should not be taken for more than 10 days at a time.
Large doses can cause diarrhoea, nausea, severe stomach cramps, or dehydration.
Avoid senna if you are pregnant, nursing, or have gastrointestinal ailments.


Available in prepared tea bags, syrups, and tablets, as well as in the form of dried leaves and seedpods.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



The Shiitake mushroom is prized in Chinese medicine and are reputed to increase lifespan and resistance to stress. In both China and Japan, Shiitake mushrooms have been used for hundreds of years as cancer-fighting agents.

Shiitake mushrooms are full of nutrients such as protein, vitamins B1, B2, B12, niacin, and in pantothenic acid.
Today the mushroom is used to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
Shiitake may boost immune function and also have antibiotic properties.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • high blood cholesterol.
  • depressed immune system disorders
  • viral infections
  • heart disease
  • fatigue
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, and possibly, some forms of cancer. (Use only in consultation with a doctor.)


Available in capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Herbalists recommend slippery elm to be used externally to ease wounds and skin problems, and internally to soothe sore throats, coughing, and diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Slippery elm's active ingredient is found in the white inner bark, whose mucilaginous cells expand into a spongy consistency when mixed with water. It is easily digested and particularly good for the young and the elderly to give them additional calcium.

How It May Benefit You...

Apply externally for:

  • wounds, cuts, abrasions.

Take internally for:

  • coughing, sore throats,
  • digestive complaints.
  • gynaecological problems.


Available as capsules, tea, powder.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Slippery Elm


Spearmint has been valued since ancient times to promote digestion, heal wounds, and relieve colds and congestion as well as to heal a wide variety of ailments.

Modern herbalists suggest using spearmint externally for itching and inflammation, and internally for digestive ailments, colds, and insomnia.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • upset stomach, stomach spasms, flatulence, heartburn, stomach cramps, morning sickness during pregnancy.
  • nasal, sinus, and chest congestion; colds; headache; sore mouth or throat.

Take internally and apply externally for:

  • muscle pains,
  • external infections,
  • chapped hands.


Spearmint oil may cause stomach upset if ingested.
The oil is recommended for external use only.


Available as capsules, prepared tea, fresh or dried leaves, tinctures, oil.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



St John’s wort has had a long history of use and has several benefits including antidepressant, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

It is famous for it’s ability to heal wounds. In fact, it is useful for any ‘skin trauma’.

How It May Benefit You...

Use externally for:

  • wounds, including cuts, abrasions, burns and scar tissue.

Take internally

  • depression. (always use in consultation with your health care professional)


High blood pressure, headaches, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting could occur... Stop taking Immediately. In the fair-skinned, it can worsen sunburn and cause blistering.


Available as dried leaves and flowers, tinctures, extract, oil, ointment, capsules, and prepared tea.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

St John's Wort


Tea tree oil is grown in north east New South Wales, Australia and was used for many years in the Aboriginal community.

An antiseptic and germicide of amazing quality, tea tree oil can be applied externally to prevent the infection of cuts, bites, ulcers and abscesses.

It can also be used to treat abrasions and burns. Studies show that the strong germicidal activity of tea tree oil is caused primarily by terpineol.

It can also be beneficial in the treatment of acne due to its anti-bacterial action.

How It May Benefit You...

Apply externally for:

  • cuts
  • abrasions
  • insect bites
  • acne seen in teenagers
  • fungal infections such as athlete's foot, and other skin ailments.
  • minor vaginal infections.
  • flea shampoos for pets. diluted in a base oil – as an aid for animals with insect bites or irritations.


Some may be sensitive to this herb and should dilute it more before using.


Available as oil and also as an additive to health and beauty products such as toothpaste, soap, and shampoo.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Tea Tree Oil


The turmeric root, an ingredient of Indian curries for thousands of years, also has medicinal properties as a digestive aid; increase the body’s ability to break down fats; as an anti-inflammatory agent.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • shoulder pain
  • menstrual cramps
  • pain after childbirth
  • menstrual irregularity.
  • digestive disorders
  • fever
  • chest congestion
  • arthritis symptoms.

Apply externally for skin infections.


Possible heartburn or upset stomach.
The herb may reduce fertility. If you are trying to conceive or if you have a history of fertility problems, get professional advice before using.


Turmeric is available as powdered root, capsules, and liquid extract.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Uva Ursi has traditionally been used in treatments for genito-urinary tract inflammation. The leaves contain tannin, an astringent useful in treating wounds, which soothes and speeds up tissue healing.

It is a tonic and stimulant as well as being soothing and calming.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • mild urinary tract infections, such as urethritis and cystitis
  • high blood pressure
  • kidney stones or gall stones
  • menstrual bloating.

Apply externally for:

  • minor skin problems such as cuts and abrasions.


Taking Uva Ursi may result in the production of dark-green urine; this is harmless.
Uva Ursi's disinfectant properties work only in an alkaline environment.
Use Uva Ursi only in recommended amounts.
Pregnant women should not use Uva Ursi.


Uva Ursi is available in the form of dried leaves; as a tincture; and as a tea, alone or in combination with other ingredients.
Always get professional advice regarding the proper doses for your condition.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Uva Ursi


Valerian root has calming qualities and it’s used safely as a mild tranquilliser and sleep aid. Ideal for sufferers of insomnia, valerian improves sleep quality, and reduce the times a person may wake in the night. The root of the plant is the potent part and the part used by herbalists. It can be used either fresh or dried.

Unlike barbiturates, prescribed amounts leave no grogginess and do not interfere with the vivid dreaming sleep known as REM sleep. As well as this it is not addictive and produces no withdrawal symptoms when discontinued.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • insomnia
  • anxiety
  • nervousness
  • anxiety-induced heart palpitations.
  • headache.
  • intestinal pains.
  • menstrual cramps.


  • A mild headache or upset stomach may develop or you may experience
  • · more severe headache, restlessness, nausea or blurred vision. Call your doctor immediately and stop taking the herb.
  • · Do not take valerian with other tranquillisers or sedatives, because of possible additive effects.
  • · Do not drive or work heavy machinery while taking this herb.


Valerian is widely available dried or as capsules, tinctures, and teas.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



White willow is a pain reliever. It contains salicin and salicylic acid. It also reduces fever and inflammation, which are produced by the body in response to injuries. It is good for headaches, backaches, nerve pain, tooth ache and other injuries.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • gout
  • minor muscle strains
  • menstrual cramps
  • headache
  • fever, aches and pains
  • ·pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Apply externally for:

  • sores and burns,
  • pain and inflammation of arthritis.


Upset stomach, nausea, or ringing in the ears may result.
Children under the age of 16 should not use white willow if they have a cold, influenza, or other viral illness.
Using salicylates may cause Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal condition.
Individuals with ulcers or other stomach problems should use white willow with caution, because it can worsen stomach ills.
It also may interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals when taken internally.


Available as dried bark, tincture, tea, and capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

White Willow


Wild yam has been used for centuries as a remedy for menstrual pain and complications associated with child bearing.
It contains an alkaloid agent that relaxes the muscles of the entire abdominal region. Consequently, it is often helpful for women experiencing menstrual cramps and nausea associated with pregnancy.

This herb is supposed to contain progesterone-like properties for women undergoing menopause. This is still being tested.

How It May Benefit You...

  • menstrual cramps
  • nausea due to pregnancy
  • morning sickness
  • urinary tract disorders
  • intestinal colic
  • rheumatoid arthritis.


Always seek professional advice with regard to doses.


Wild yam is available as dried root, tincture, or capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Wild Yam


Yarrow has been used to heal wounds since ancient times. There are ingredients in yarrow that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic and pain-relieving effects. Yarrow is sometimes used to treat menstrual problems and high blood pressure.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • fever
  • digestive disorders
  • menstrual cramps
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • high blood pressure.

Apply externally for:

  • minor wounds
  • bleeding.
  • vaginal irritations.


Rash or diarrhoea may result from taking yarrow.


Available as dried herb or tea.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.


(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

XXX Health Fact sheet
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